Thursday, 21 June 2012

Natters Away.

Versitle Blogger.

The lovely Natalie over on Free spirit Designs nominated  my blog for a Versatile blog award. I was rather surprised to say the least. I love my little blog, it's where i natter away about my nerdy fabric passion, and it is very much my crafty out let. So when ever some one else says they like it, I'm always a little shocked lol.
 Here are the rules,

The Rules

1. Add the award to your blog.

2. Thank the blogger(s) who gave it to you.

3. Mention 7 random things about yourself.
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.

 It is weird trying to come up with 7 random things about yourself, i managed after days of thinking to come up with nothing. So i am sat here typing, and i am going to type the first 7 things that come to mind. So here it goes.

1. I hate Tea, i have no idea why people love it so much. Some times the smell makes me queasy, and as a Northerner people think your strange if you don't drink tea.
2. When i was little i swallowed 4, 5 pence's, 3 came out right away and well we had to wait a while for the fourth to make the long journey out. (i'm not why i shared that, but hey i said i would type what ever came to mind)
3. I am trying to give up swearing, i have no idea when my language became so blue. So at the moment "flippin Nora" is my favourite saying.
4. I have lost 3 Stone in weight over 12 months. I'm very proud of myself for doing this, now to keep it off.
5. I live near the sea, but i really don't like to eat Sea food, this is some thing else people find odd when you tell them. Maybe it's a rule if you live near the Sea you must love Sea food.
6. I use far to many smileys in emails, text messages and on my blog, i just can't help adding at least one smiley to what ever i write :) See that just made me happy typing it :)
7. I never hold a grudge, i do not see the point of it. Your the only one getting hurt by holding on. It took me until i was 35 to be able to do this lol, but i got there and it is very liberating indeed.

Here are my nominated  blogger, all very lovely crafty ladies. 

Kosmic Dreams
I dream of the sea
Jays monkey
Dab and dash 
Uniquely yours
freespiritdesigns  (i know you have already been nominated but i do love you blog)

Hope you are all having a lovely week, despite the rain.

Donna x