Sunday, 14 April 2013

A new hobby.

I have always loved the idea of revamping my furniture, but i was a little nervous about where to start.
So off I went to a local shop called honeysuckle home interiors and had a lovely chat with Sara the owner of the shop. She shared her knowledgeand love of painting furniture, and it made me more confident to give it a go. I love meeting people who are passionate about their work, and Sara certainly was, and she made me excited about about giving it a go. I bought some Autentico paint in Vanilla from her little shop, and started to paint.

I have done 3 pieces up to now, a bed side table which i did in Dec, a coffee table (which i have no photos of yet) and my most recent endeavour was to paint and paper a piece of furniture which was my tired old looking t.v unit. If only i had taken a before photo.
  There is a picture of the bedside table on Instagram, bedside table  sorry I have no idea if you can down load a pic from Instagram, but i can't seem to find that option lol. So i have had to link the picture, because i no longer have the phone the original pic was taken on.

I will say that this paint is amazing, if it can make my painting skills look good, then it has to be bloody amazing.
I am hunting charity shops, and markets for a chest of drawers to revamp next. I am in love with my new hobby, i am a little late on the whole recycle and revamp wagon, but i'm glad i finally got on it. The hubby on the other hand is a little nervous, since i am already asking for a house with a garden shed next time we move, so i can paint bigger pieces of furniture, painting in the kitchen is not ideal and I would love a huge space to revamp lots and lots of furniture.
The wallpaper was a Seconds roll from Laura Ashley which cost £6, i really didn't seem the point in using a full price roll since i was going to be cutting it up into pieces any way. But i never did find anything wrong with the paper so it was such a bargain, summer palace duck egg blue i love this paper and i am planning on buying it in Cerise to put away for when we move house next year.

I am still loving my sewing and I have so many ideas on that front, so many projects and so little time. I am also going to commit to 2 fairs this year, one in September and one in December. I am also planning on opening my folksy shop again in May, it seems silly to have an opening date but i think i will reopen on my birthday. 

I Hope every one is enjoying April, and hope fully the rain will stop soon, or maybe it has already stopped near you, andit can finalyy start to feel like Spring has sprung, and i can put my duffle coat away till next Winter.

Until next time
Love Maisy Lee.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Sneaks back into blog mode.

I have wanted to write an update on my blog for a while now. I keep getting lots of ideas through out the day of what i could write about, and then i am just to tired to sit at the computer and get on with it.
So my challenge from now on is too write my blog on my day off from work, or at least once a week.

Two weeks ago i became a Great Aunt, too a beautiful Set of Twins named Poppy and Olly.
They are the cutest little bundles of joy. I know i can't go home to see them at the moment so their little gift bundle has to be as cute and loved up as possible.
I love these little teddies from Laura Ashley, the photo doesn't do them justice really, so here is a link so can you see the cuteness in person. cute little teddy

They cost £12 each, and they are the softest little things, i may have to buy myself one, probably just to keep in the toy box i have for when the nieces and nephews come to stay, but i am finding i need one of those little softies in my life.
I added Poppy and Olly's name to the teddy tags with silver stickers i bought from Wilkinson's for £1. Such a bargain, i also personalised their cards this way too. But i had already put these in the envelope before i took a photo.
Our local Wilkinsons is starting to stock some lovely card making items, i hadn't even considered them for crafting items, so that is good news for me since it is only about 15 mins away from my home.

Speaking of photos, are you on Instagram? I am, and i love it. At the moment i am looking for more crafty people to follow, so if your on there maybe you could leave me a link and i will follow you. I love the fact you can just upload a photo and say nothing. As the saying goes "a picture is worth more than a thousand words"

Most of my photo's are of little corners of my home, like this little shelf above my sewing machine.
I haven't sewn much at all over the winter, but thats about to end since i just bought some lovely Pink gingham fabric, and some red gingham too. I'm thinking of making kitchen curtains with the pink and adding red gingham hearts along the bottom edge of the curtain. Those will have to wait until i finish a set of curtains and a cushion i am making for a friend. I think after my longer than expected lay off from sewing i am ready to get back at my machine and go sew go.

Until next time
Donna Marie  x x x